This post discusses ten healthy, eating strategies for the holidays.
The holidays are a celebratory time of the year usually filled with gifts, good company, and even better food.
It all sounds like an ideal vacation until you consider your weight loss goals. Then all the warm, fuzzy feelings kind of come to a screeching halt.
But never fear!
A wise man once said, if a problem is out of your control then there’s no need to worry since there’s nothing you can do to fix it, anyway.
However, if the problem is within your control, there is still no need to worry because there’s something you can do about it.
Well, fortunately, there’s a whole lot we can do in this situation.
So, sit back, relax, and let’s dive into these ten healthy, eating strategies to help you maintain your weight loss through the holidays!
Preparation is Key
Preparation is one of the main driving forces behind success and to do it properly, you need a game plan.
Before a major holiday, like Thanksgiving, for instance, think about what you plan to eat.
This is not about restriction, if you’re working out diligently and practicing good nutrition, one meal isn’t going to break the bank.
However, it’s important to plan accordingly so you’re not hit with a big dose of eaters-remorse the next day.
Ideally, you’ll want to figure out how to make your meals as healthy as possible.
Even if that means doing things like switching out the whole milk in a recipe for low-fat or a milk substitute.
Do this weeks, if not months ahead of the holiday to give yourself enough time to find recipes, tweak the ingredients lists, and taste the meals beforehand.
There’s nothing worse than trying a new recipe the day of.
If you are eating someone else’s dish, have a small meal prior to doing so. This will allow you to try the meal rather than really eating it.
Also, remember to drink water at least thirty minutes before consuming any food so you’ll fill up quickly and avoid overeating.
Lastly, if you do go back for seconds, load up more on vegetables. They are low in calories but have a high water content so you’ll get full faster without exceeding your caloric intake.
Actually, this is the last point. Say “no” to a second plate of dessert by reminding yourself that you can always have a little bit the next day.
Your body will thank you for this later.
Practice Mindful Eating
The next healthy, eating strategy for the holidays is to try mindful eating.
Mindful eating is a practice where you project a sense of awareness while eating.
This means doing things like eating with intention and being grateful for your meal. Appreciating the food with your senses, being present in the moment, and aware of what you’re eating.
Moreover, it involves observing how much food is on your plate, being grateful for it, and listening to the body so you know when you’re feeling hungry and full.
The practice also emphasizes consuming meals without judgment while understanding your emotional triggers.
Mindful eating isn’t about following strict rules or guidelines, it’s simply a method that encourages a healthier relationship with food.
This, in turn, helps individuals maintain a healthy weight.
Choose Your Ingredients Carefully
We touched on this topic earlier in this post because it is a super important element to consider.
If this step is done properly, you can afford to indulge a little during the holidays.
But only a little.
When choosing recipes with meat, opt for lean cuts preferably without the skin attached to help reduce your saturated fat intake.
With your side dishes, try to include a variety of colorful vegetables. This will allow you to get a range of vitamins and nutrients to your plate.
Additionally, when seasoning food, rely more on spices and natural flavoring than salt to make the meals healthier.
For desserts, try healthier alternatives to traditional holiday favorites like a deconstructed apple pie with minimal crust and natural ingredients.
Swap out regular sugar for a monk fruit sweetener or just plain old fruit such as a banana which can be an effective sugar substitute.
Again, you could utilize spices like cinnamon or nutmeg to give your dessert more flavor.
No Rest for the Wicked
Although it’s the holidays, it’s essential to maintain your regular exercise routine. However, since the festive season can sometimes get hectic, it’s okay to take a day off.
Even two if it’s absolutely necessary but no more than that or it can become a pattern.
Strive for consistent physical activity, focusing not only on designated workout days but also during the periods when you decide to take a break.
Stay active by getting your steps in, moving around while cooking or cleaning the house, etc,…
Moreover, exercise before your meals.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a brisk walk, a short workout, or a family/friend activity. Any movement can help boost your metabolism and create a calorie deficit.
Likewise, taking a nice stroll after a meal can be very beneficial because it aids digestion.
Drink Water, My Friend
Hydration is extremely important not just for weight loss but for healthy maintenance of the body.
Men need about 3.7 liters and women 2.7, though the .7 can come from food consumption.
During the holidays, there may be even more beverage choices than you normally consume.
Do your best to stay hydrated throughout the day between your indulgencies.
Keep your water nearby or better yet wear a carry-on container.
Don’t forget that water is great for controlling appetite, just drinking around 2 cups before a meal can prevent overeating.
Good Vibes Only
While the holidays are in full swing, try not to obsess too much over anything. This is your time to just relax and enjoy people or activities that you love.
It’s not about doing anything perfectly, and if you slip up give yourself a break.
This is a guilt-free zone. Even if you fall off the wagon and accidentally overindulge or forget to work out or eat the wrong thing.
Or whatever.
This is not the time to feel guilty. Simply acknowledge the choices you made and focus on restoring balance.
Because it’s not how many times you fall but how many times you get back up that matters.
Nature is Home
On holidays, people tend to stay inside all day which can lead to sitting on the couch and eating snacks mindlessly.
However, if the weather permits, it may be fun and beneficial to spend more time outdoors.
Whether that means playing around outside with friends, family, or pets.
You could go out to an event, take a leisure stroll around the block, or just transfer the meals from the dinner table to the picnic table.
Being outdoors can also help boost your mood as well.
Have Your Accountability Partners at the Ready
Accountability is super important in any goal but particularly with weight loss.
It’s why many people opt for a personal trainer to keep them showing up for themselves every day.
If you have already started your weight loss journey and have a support system, use it to help you stay on track with your fitness habits.
You could also inform the people around you of your fitness goals and ask if they would be open to making certain accommodations such as alternative or modified dishes.
Or maybe you persuade someone to join in on your workout so it feels more enjoyable and less like a chore.
Try Self-Accountability
Some people may find it easier to hold themselves accountable. In that case, use items such as a planner, a meal app, or a fitness tracking app to keep yourself on track.
Or go old school and set reminders to begin your fitness routine if you fear you’ll forget.
The holidays can present a busy, if not chaotic time for us, and depending on what you are doing, your schedule may easily slip through the cracks.
Therefore, don’t hesitate to do whatever it takes to stay motivated.
Even if you choose to purchase running shoes or exercise apparel you can look at it and say:
“Oh, right! I wanted to wear this to exercise on Christmas Day.”
Never be afraid to bribe yourself. It works!
Back to Business
Once, the holidays are done, it’s safe to assume that there will be some lamenting, but soon it will be time to get back to your regular scheduled program.
That means saying goodbye to the festive foods and the light workouts because you have a goal to reach.
Avoid keeping your indulgent leftovers longer than a day or two as they may be too tempting. Best to rip off the band-aid and focus on sustaining a healthy lifestyle.
Indulge and then Carry On
So, that was ten healthy eating strategies to help you get through the holidays.
I hope you realize that there’s no need to restrict yourself and it’s perfectly fine to enjoy the festivities in moderation.
As long as you plan accordingly, nothing’s stopping you from achieving or maintaining your weight loss goals. Not even the holiday season.
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