This post discusses how to start and maintain your new year’s weight loss resolution.
The new year is a special time for us, signaling renewals and second changes.
So, it’s no wonder people use this period to reinvent themselves, particularly when it comes to things like weight loss and personal development.
Unfortunately, despite good intentions, only about 20% of individuals stay with their goals long enough to accomplish them.
If you’ve decided to make 2024 the year you slim down, then let’s discuss how to start a new year’s weight loss resolution and how to succeed.
Why Most New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Survive
Toward the end of the year, many people begin making resolutions, and no matter what, the most popular of these tends to be:
Exercise more
Eat healthier
Lose weight
In that order. However, 80% of these resolutions fail within the year and 20% don’t make it past the first week of January.
While numerous factors may contribute to this outcome, one of the most impactful reasons people don’t succeed is due to the lack of planning.
Weight loss is an unpredictable, slow process that requires a scalable plan to take you from one established goal to the next.
It must be specific and include sensible checkpoints.
Here is an example of a vague weight loss goal: “I want to lose weight this year.”
The statement above is an ambiguous desire because there’s not enough information to make it tangible. In time, this will lead to a lack of direction and an eventual loss of motivation.
To make it more realistic, the person would need to add more details such as:
How much weight do I want to lose?
Why that amount specifically?
What is my timeline?
How do I plan to achieve this goal?
Who’s going to hold me accountable?
Do I have a support system?
How will I keep track of the weight loss?
Is my weight loss goal practical?
Being as detailed as possible will go a long way in helping you create a solid plan for success.
How to Make a Weight Loss Resolution That’ll Stick
Losing weight is a very possible feat regardless of how many missteps you’ve taken in the past.
However, it’s important to remember that at some point everyone started out where you are now.
With a single weight loss goal.
Keep in mind as you begin your own journey that people lose weight all the time with great success, and if you follow these simple tips below, you’ll soon find yourself among them.
Start With a Positive Mindset
Sometimes a weight loss journey is over long before it’s even started due to the lack of mindset.
Our thoughts are immensely powerful and serve as the driving force behind any actions we undertake.
In fact, we rarely ever begin a task without the underlying belief that we can achieve it.
So, if you’ve been having trouble slimming down thus far, it’s probably time to change your mindset.
The best part about this step is that the faith you hold doesn’t have to be unwavering.
On the contrary, you only need to believe in the possibility of your outcome.
Therefore, challenge the self-deprecating thoughts roaming around in your mind. Expose them for being untrue and rewrite these limiting beliefs.
Be kind and patient with yourself, speaking only positivity into your desires.
If you slip up or experience setbacks on your weight loss path, know that it’s okay and is all a part of the process.
Just pick yourself up from where you are and start again.
Identify Your Motivation
Creating a sense of motivation, much like a strong mindset, is paramount for a successful weight loss journey.
The road to shedding pounds can be arduous and having a purpose can help you persevere, particularly during challenging periods.
Anything can be used as a motivating factor. It could be for your loved ones, an upcoming event, or simply a desire to live a healthier life.
Find a concrete reason for your weight loss resolution that inspires you and avoid reasons that make you feel things like guilt or shame.
Ask yourself instead, why you want to make this lifestyle change and examine the emotions behind it.
Does your “why” light a fire in your belly? Does it leave you with an eagerness to push stubbornly in the direction of your goals?
Think long and hard about your motivation, it will see you through.
Make a Weight Loss Resolution Plan
As we saw earlier, not having a solid plan in place was one of the primary factors for why people failed to follow through on their weight loss.
The planning period is essential because you’re going to fill it with all the details that are going to turn your dreams into reality.
Your plan should incorporate all of the questions we mentioned above and then some. Be methodical and allow one question to lead to another.
Include elements like a meal plan and a budget.
Ponder how much can you afford to spend on your weight loss per month.
Decide what this money will pay for. Food, clothes, shoes, a gym membership, or a trainer?
Do you want to work out at the gym or even with a trainer?
Maybe you’d rather work out at home or at the park?
Are you going to write your own workout program or will you watch YouTube videos? Will you purchase an online program?
What about your diet? Will you pay for a dieting program? Do you plan to cook your meals? Is the money you put toward your diet a part of your workout budget or a normal living expense?
These questions aren’t meant to overwhelm you by any means, but rather to provide a general sense of how to formulate your plan of attack.
Go slow and try to answer whatever questions come to your mind. You’ll feel a lot better and more equipped for your weight loss journey after this step.
Prepare for Your Weight Loss Resolution Early
Another reason goal-seekers don’t make it past the first year is that they start late in the year and end up doing too much too fast.
Humans are creatures of habit.
By nature’s design, it becomes very difficult for us to sustain rapid changes to our lifestyle for prolonged periods of time.
It’s better to move gradually until our new behavior forms a pattern.
Therefore, we should commence our weight loss resolution before the new year. Or at least prepare for it.
If wish to start your journey in January of 2024, why not get ready now?
You can do this by creating your plan, saving up money, and establishing a routine.
Taking steps like these months and even weeks before can relieve you of some of the pressure that comes with getting started.
Ready for Your Weight Loss Resolution?
This post may have given you a lot to think about in terms of your preparation. But making a weight loss resolution and deciding to go after it is an amazing goal.
And one that you will achieve, especially if you follow the tips listed above.
Also, if you enjoyed this post, consider subscribing to my blog and receive a FREE fitness digital planner. It includes valuable information and tips to support your weight loss journey.

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