(This post focuses on how to live a happier life starting today)
Do you ever get a little bit tired of life, like you’re not really happy but you don’t want to die like you’re hanging by a thread but you gotta survive, cause you gotta survive?
First of all, I love that song. I’m listening to it right now.
(Clears throat…)
Anyway, I think the lyrics above kind of speak to a lot of us. It’s part of the reason why it was so popular.
It can be difficult to express your feelings to others for fear of judgment or someone downplaying your emotions.
But if you’ve been struggling and looking for ways to improve your mood, here’s a short list of things you can try TODAY to live a happier life.
Eat Healthier
This is a big one because what you eat directly impacts your mental and emotional states of being.
When you eat foods that are high in refined carbs and added sugar, it can cause insulin spikes leading to feelings of depression, irritability, hunger, fatigue, and more.
Instead, fill your tummy with more whole foods to dramatically boost your mood. These include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and proteins.
Try to eat them every day if not every meal. You’ll feel more satiated and bursting with energy.
Some Ideas:
One of the easiest ways to incorporate more whole foods is by mixing them into one meal.
Make spaghetti with whole grain noodles and a leafy green salad
An apple slathered in nut butter and sprinkled with hemp seeds
Greek yogurt mixed with blueberries and granola
Maintain Good Influences
We all know at least one Debbie Downer who is determined to be the group’s designated pessimist.
However, negativity can be infectious and once it sinks its teeth into you, it may be hard to shake.
Why not surround yourself with good vibes instead?
Try linking up with more like-minded individuals who are headed in your direction. Look for light-hearted people who laugh often and engage in positive self-talk.
People who will listen, inspire, and encourage you.
They’ll help influence your thinking and decision-making in a good way which will only aid in your journey to living a healthier, happier life.
Less News May Be…the Best News
Of course, it’s important to stay informed about certain topics. Like a flesh-eating virus or a zombie apocalypse perhaps.
Yet, sometimes, the news can be overwhelming, stressful, and downright depressing. Especially if it’s the first you expose yourself to in the morning.
This could potentially ruin your day before it has even started.
It may be better, mental health-wise, to limit the media coverage and place your attention on other things that matter to you.
Reduce Social Media Use
Social media can be a really fun place to be. You get to encounter people from all walks of life that you may have never met otherwise and form genuine connections.
But social media could also be very jarring, leading to bad habits and issues with mental health.
Reducing time on social media and your mobile device could leave the mind feeling clear.
Just putting away the phone for an hour a day during the week may drastically improve your mental state.
Some Things to Do Instead of Social Media Scrolling:
Here are a few ideas you can try instead of scrolling through your phone:
Read a hardcover book
Learn a new language
Journal/ Practice creative writing
Spend time outdoors
Take up a craft
Strive for a Judgment-Free Zone
This one certainly isn’t that easy since we tend to judge even without realizing it.
How many conversations can you start that don’t revolve around giving an opinion about something or someone?
But, judging others could be a sign of inner turmoil.
You can strive for a more judgment-free zone by simply being more aware of your thoughts.
It may not be plausible to stop judging completely, however, simply practicing things like compassion, understanding, and gratefulness toward others and yourself will help you become less judgmental.
Remember, mornings set the tone for the day.
So, starting your morning in quiet meditation, with prayer, affirmations, inspirational lectures, or even journaling could inspire mindfulness and thus awareness.
Exercise to a Better Mood
Exercising has enormous benefits for your physical health but it’s also great for your mental and emotional well-being.
When you exercise, it causes your body to release endorphins which are chemical substances that can allow the body to regulate pain.
Endorphins can ease stress levels, decrease symptoms of depression, and boost your overall frame of mind and alertness.
You may experience this sensation with activities like jogging, hiking, or walking.
A clinical study at Havard found that doing at least 15 minutes of higher-intensity exercises a day like running or at least one hour of lower-intensity exercises such as walking or housework could help prevent depressive episodes.
Of course, other physical activities like stretching, cleaning, and taking the stairs in place of an elevator throughout the day can encourage a better temperament, too.
A Bonus…Thing:
Another thing you can try today to live a happier life is to make a change.
Do something new that you haven’t done before.
Take on a project. Shoot for that promotion at work.
Plan a trip.
Pick up and move someplace else.
Variety is the spice of life and doing something different can keep you engaged and excited for life.
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