This post is all about the insane benefits of coffee.
Today, we’re talking coffee.
And if you’re obsessed with this drink like most people on the planet then you’ve likely wondered whether this brewed beverage was good for you.
Well, we will answer that question in this post and discuss the five INSANE benefits of coffee that may just blow your mind.
Is Coffee Good for You?
Coffee gets a bad rep most of the time because it’s been linked to a few health problems.
However, these risks often tend to occur with the overconsumption of caffeine. Particularly so for women who are pregnant.
Nevertheless, drinking coffee is actually quite good for the majority of people walking around as you’ll soon see why.
The important thing to remember is moderation. So, how much is appropriate? According to science somewhere between 3 to 5 cups of coffee a day.
The kind of coffee and the way you prepare it matters too.
Generally speaking, the healthiest way to take your cup of joe is brewed and black.
This beverage has very few calories, carbs, or fats. Plus, it contains very little sodium and plenty of micronutrients.
Coffee May Help You Lose Weight
There are some studies that suggest coffee could change the way our bodies store fat and promote a healthy gut.
This, of course, could provide an advantage for weight management.
One review of multiple studies found a possible link between higher coffee intake and a decrease in body fat, particularly among men.
A separate study additionally concluded similar results in women.
Coffee Could Promote Heart Health
Coffee consumption may contribute to improved heart health.
One review discovered that a moderate amount of coffee (3 to 5 cups) each day was linked to a decreased risk of heart disease.
Another study proposed that higher amounts of coffee correlated with a significantly reduced chance of heart failure.
Coffee May Reduce Depression
The third benefit of coffee on our list is a potentially reduced risk of depression.
Researchers in one study discovered those who drank at least 4 cups of coffee each day dramatically decreased their chance of developing depression compared to those who only drank one cup of coffee each day.
Another study, conducted with more than 200,000 people found coffee drinking was associated with a lower risk of suicidal death.
Coffee Could Lower Risk of Type II Diabetes
Research supports a decreased risk of developing type II diabetes among coffee drinkers.
First, coffee is an antioxidant-rich beverage that may improve insulin resistance, inflammation, and metabolism.
All of these elements are important to the development of type II diabetes.
Scientists found a 6% decreased risk of developing this illness was associated with each cup of coffee consumed.
The reason for this advantage could be that coffee may maintain your beta cell’s ability to function within the pancreas.
Beta cells have the job of making and distributing insulin to help regulate your body’s blood sugar.
Coffee May Help You Live Longer
The last but not least benefit of drinking coffee is that it may help you live a longer life.
Several studies found that people who drank 2 to 4 cups of coffee each day had a lower risk of death. This was regardless of other factors such as age, weight, and alcohol intake.
A separate study backs this up.
Here, scientists discovered a link between drinking caffeinated coffee and a decreased likelihood of cancer.
So, there you have it. Coffee reigns supreme.
But, while it can be delicious and beneficial, it is essential to remember that it is always best in moderation.
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